Clickertraining: The 4 Secrets of Becoming a Supertrainer (Kindle)

Clickertraining: The 4 Secrets of Becoming a Supertrainer (Kindle)

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«I thought I knew all about clicker training, but this was something new…». 

Many dog owners have started using a clicker for the last 15 years – but “using a clicker” is not the same as “clicker training”! The authors of this book highlight the importance of shaping new behaviors without luring or helping the dog. Teach the behavior first – and then add the signal when the dog offers the behavior really well. Teaching the dog to offer behavior voluntarily and fluently is the core of clicker training, and what distinguishes clicker training from other brands of “positive training”. And the magic is in this detail…

In this book you will learn how to clicker train all the basic skills your pet dog needs – and some more – right from the start.

You will also learn about the 4 secrets of becoming a super trainer. When you learn these secrets, you will always know where to look for answers when you want to improve your training. Learning not just the practical methods, but also the most important principles behind clicker training, takes your training to another level. Understanding the principles (instead of just following someone else´s receipt) takes the guesswork and mysticism out of dog training and puts it back to where it belong – on the shoulders of behavior science.

This book is a great introduction to clicker training. It is written in a simple and humoristic tone, but the authors deep knowledge of the principles behind clicker training shines through all the time.

mortenogcecilie2011-300This book is sold in more than 75 000 copies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland since its release in 2001. And now this Nordic best seller is finally available in English. Enjoy!


About the authors

Morten Egtvedt & Cecilie Køste, were early adopters of clicker training and have been Norway´s leading teachers of clicker training for 20 years. They have also lectured at ClickerExpo in USA for many years. They have been top competitors in obedience, and have also trained dogs for the military and for search and rescue for many years.

Morten and Cecilie are passionate about teaching animal trainers the power of real clicker training. They are the founders of Canis Clickertraining Academy, one of the biggest dog training centers in the Nordic countries. Morten and Cecilie have personally trained more than 150 new clicker training instructors during the last 15 years.

Additional information


Morten Egtvedt & Cecilie Køste


